Lost me when you started with the heart vs. mind stuff. I've never been able to take seriously the romantic idea of the heart influencing thought. Kind of an insult to how complex and amazing the brain is as a whole. Any emotion you perceive as coming from your heart is from that brain and is the result of the master work of evolution coming up with tricks to enable the species to survive. That same brain then tricks you into forgetting all that to the point that you attribute what you feel to an organ that is responsible for blood circulation. Same brain that causes you to write over the top romantic essays espousing the incorrect idea of the nature of emotion. All so you think of love as more than a chemical reaction by the brain to get you to have sex and procreate. Pretty amazing actually.
I love it when you reveal these deep, personal musings for us to wade into ✨ thank you!
Wow. This a really beautiful post Patricia.
Resonate with this so much, thanks for your beautiful words!
Nicely said. Both the words you’ve used and the meaning behind them.
Nice rabbit hole
Love the shift from goals to state of being!
"To make it [the mind] a servant to the soul."
Nicely said Patricia
Beautiful words.
Lost me when you started with the heart vs. mind stuff. I've never been able to take seriously the romantic idea of the heart influencing thought. Kind of an insult to how complex and amazing the brain is as a whole. Any emotion you perceive as coming from your heart is from that brain and is the result of the master work of evolution coming up with tricks to enable the species to survive. That same brain then tricks you into forgetting all that to the point that you attribute what you feel to an organ that is responsible for blood circulation. Same brain that causes you to write over the top romantic essays espousing the incorrect idea of the nature of emotion. All so you think of love as more than a chemical reaction by the brain to get you to have sex and procreate. Pretty amazing actually.
Thank you! That was exactly what I needed to read.
Beautifully crafted.
A heart-shake with other souls suspending layers of prejudice and fail-safe machinations of mind will be cool.
To create a wormhole may it be even for a second, and see through eons to the core of our cosmic debris where our souls were forged.